Since joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Inc., in 2020, Seamus has worked on a variety of forestry projects for both industrial and small-scale private timberland owners. Recently Seamus has been involved in expanding the company's services to provide more fuels management related consultation to meet landowners' goals of reducing dangerous fuel loading and improve forest health and resilience. Since becoming a licensed forester in January of 2021, Seamus has worked on timber harvesting projects, timber appraisals, NTMP's and Cal Fire exemptions. He is currently involved in a Cal VTP project for a strategic ridge line fuel break west of Geyserville for the Geyserville Fire Department.
Prior to joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Seamus gained essential experience working on a state forest and traveling throughout the north coast as a consulting forester. Seamus is interested in restoring pre-Euro American fire ecology to the California landscape through a holistic forest management approach including thinning and prescribed fire.
Seamus holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry with a Minor in Geospatial Analysis from Humboldt State University.
- Registered Professional Forester (RPF) #3130
- CAL FIRE certified archeological surveyor, training course #172
Professional Organization & Other Experience:
- California Licensed Foresters Association
You can contact Seamus at (707) 485-5544 ext. 105 or by email at [email protected]