A recent addition to the Jacobzoon & Associates staff Jamie joined our team in November 2023 as a forestry technician. Currently his primary role is to assist in Timber Harvest Plans, Cal Fire fuels reduction exemptions and perform tree risk assessments. An ISA certified arborist with five years of wildland fire experience for the Forest Service, Jamie brings his expertise into the field assisting landowners in achieving natural resource management solutions. Daily tasks include Timber Harvest Plan preparation, forest inventory cruise for small land owners, THP layout, tree marking, archeology surveys, forest road layout, and identifying hazard trees in burned areas on Cal Trans projects.
Since graduating from the University of Vermont with Forestry and Environmental Science degrees Jamie gained his professional natural resource experience working for both the private and public sector. His first forestry technician job was as a restoration specialist, performing wetland botanical surveys and site rehabilitation through invasive species removal and tree planting. He proceeded to have a short career with the Forest Service as a wild land firefighter, completing the apprenticeship program and gaining familiarity with management goals, techniques, and limitations of our public lands. After a departure from civil service in the public sector he proceeded to market his skills as a sawyer to assist land owners in state subsidized fuels reduction projects.
Currently Jamie is working on obtaining his registered professional forester's license (RPF) and expanding his GIS knowledge and mapping expertise to further develop skillsets that help promote resilient and diverse landscapes. It is his desire to continue to participate in working solutions using adaptive management techniques in order to further fulfill our duties as stewards of the land, one project at a time.