Since joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Inc. in 2005, Alicia has become a northern California wildlife specialist focusing on terrestrial wildlife, wildlife-habitat relationships, impact assessments, and regulatory compliance. Principal projects have included conducting and/or organizing species-specific protocol surveys and assessments for northern spotted owl, raptor species, nesting bird species, Point Arena mountain beaver, Townsend's big-eared bat, California red-legged frog, Foothill yellow-legged frog, and Western pond turtles. She has also provided Botanical surveys, Biological Assessments, combined vegetation rapid and relieve assessments, Lake Streambed Alteration Agreements, 401 Water Quality Certifications and 404 Army Corps of Engineer Permits for large and small projects requiring compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). These projects include timber harvesting, land conversion, minor and major subdivisions, coastal development permits and cannabis permits for Mendocino County and the State of California. Alicia has developed and monitored several ecological restoration and mitigation plans over the years. Mrs. Ives Ringstad's experience includes conducting wetland delineations that meet the requirements of the US Army Corps of Engineers Technical Report (Y-87-1). As the Senior Wildlife Biologist, Alicia trains all seasonal and full-time biologists and is the biological staff and project coordinator.
Prior to joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Alicia worked on the Mad River slough project in Arcata, CA. As a Field Crew member, she conducted surveys and established tracking of small mammals establishing a baseline on the population density.
Alicia holds a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management and Conservation from Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA.
Certifications/Professional Organization
- US Fish and Wildlife Certified red-legged frog biologist
- US Fish and Wildlife Certified Point Arena Mountain Beaver
- Western Section Wildlife Society Member
- CALTRANS Approved Biologist
- Redwood Regional Logging Conference, Board of Director
- Cal Fire Archeological Training Certificate
- CDFW CESA Plant Voucher Collecting Permit No. 2081 (a)-20-089-V
- Variables Influencing Predatation of Artificial Duck Nests in Northwest Coastal California, published in Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society.
- Rana Draytonii (California red-legged frog). Diet, published in Herpetological Review.
- Misdirected Amplexus Between A Pacific Treefrog and a Western Toad in a Northern California Upland, published in Northwestern Naturalist.
You can contact Alicia at (707) 485-5544 ext 104 or by email at [email protected]