Airica Gallaspy is an Environmental Analyst at Jacobszoon and Associates Inc. with over two years of professional experience focusing on sustainable timber harvest management, forest ecosystem restoration, fuels reduction, hazard tree identification, regulatory compliance and GIS mapping. Airica received a Bachelor of Science in Forest Ecology and Management with an emphasis on fire ecology, fire behavior, conservation, and restoration from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) in 2022. While attending UNR, Airica received her Wildland Firefighter Type II training and participated in prescribed burns in northern California with the Plumas Underburn Cooperative to promote resilient forests and safe communities.
Since joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Inc. in 2023, Airica has assisted in the preparation of Timber Harvest Plans, CalVTP Project-Specific Analyses, Lake Streambed Alteration Agreements, conversion exemptions, oak mitigation plans, hazard tree assessments and cannabis permits for Mendocino and Lake County. She has also conducted compliance monitoring and provided botanical and biological surveys, including nesting bird, Foothill yellow-legged frog, bat and badger surveys.
Prior to joining Jacobszoon and Associates, Airica worked on the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Experiment (AMEX) in UC Berkeley's Grouse Ridge Forest. As a forestry research technician, she established permanent research plots, collected pre- and post-treatment data, sampled fuel transects, mapped forest composition and structure, conducted survival and regeneration assessments and maintained and collected data for provenance trial common gardens.